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Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), as one of the country's leading campuses, always strives to pioneer the development of human resources and welfare. Thus, establishing Institut Teknologi Bandung Model United Nations (ITBMUN) will help to fulfill our aforementioned target and become the pioneer for the first the engineering school to hold an MUN conference. We see MUN as a great platform to stay intact with the world and develop one's capabilities of delivering speech, debating, critical thinking, and other sets of skills that is necessary to become successful in the present day and age. These skills are necessary in this modern era even for engineering and natural science students that are known to barely come upon these soft skills during college. Bearing in mind of those aspects, we formulate this year's ITBMUN--Raising Youth Awareness and Embracing Collaboration of Knowledge to Tackle 21st Century Issues. The theme is formed by 3 points of which is unified into one line of theme, which are:


Tackling 21st Century Issues

We feel that there are various issues that lies in this modern era, in which many of them are still out there untouched, either due to the importance of the “minorities” or due to long standing issues which result in political standoffs. Therefore it is important to aim for comprehensive solutions that accommodate a wide range of society in order to embrace the unembraced and solve the unsolved.


Embracing the Collaboration of Knowledge

Throughout ITBMUN 2016, we want this conference to produce comprehensive solutions--one that can accommodate everyone’s needs, broaden the perspectives of youth and also provide a multi-disciplinary solution. Thus, proves the urgency that integration and collaboration is a fundamental key towards a prosperous future that brings impactful change to a wide society.


Raising Youth Awareness

In general, we feel that the youth these days are less aware of the pressure and urgency to tackle present issues. Even if so, most know but little of them care. Thus, blinded by how individualistic and profit-oriented world is these days, it becomes of utmost importance to prevent our youth to be driven to becoming solitary and unaware human beings.


Coming from those concerns we hope that ITBMUN will contribute to the making of a society which is aware of surroundings, holistic thinkers, capable of making comprehensive solutions, possess great leadership, and serves as a good team player. Adding to that, upon completing committee sessions, participants are also encouraged to continuously develop themselves and become game-changers towards reaching a prosperous future for the society around them.

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